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Fatal Web Design Errors

Here at Thunderbolt Digital web design Surrey, we are surprised by how many ecommerce websites make basic design mistakes and drive potential customers away. While it is best to leave web design to the professionals, there are some basic things to avoid when creating or updating your website.
Bad content is one of the worst offenders when it comes to web design Surrey. Content is what drives clients to your website, and helps establish a connection with your customers. Content should be fresh and address your audience’s questions and concerns, and should be tailored to their needs. Having bad content (or no content at all) immediately puts you at a disadvantage. It is definitely worth hiring a professional to manage and maintain blogs, articles and copy on your website.
No-one likes adverts. While they are necessary for marketing and the revenue of certain sites, there is a clear difference between having a few adverts and flooding your readers page with sponsored content. The user experience is essential when it comes to conversions, and if your potential customer feels overwhelmed with adverts they may well click away.
If your ecommerce business sells internationally, having a web host that prevents viewers from certain areas will drive away potential customers. Most customers aren’t going to research how to change their IP address just to buy from your website. Instead, they will almost certainly go straight to your competitor.
Again, user experience is key when it comes to conversions. So, bearing that in mind, having a clunky and ugly interface is one of the worst things you can do in terms of web design Surrey. A neglected and out of date website will put customers off and seriously lower your conversion rates (and raise your bounce rates).