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Five Ways To Step Up Your Digital Marketing
Growing your digital marketing is important for any business in these current times. With more businesses using and growing their digital marketing strategy, it can become increasingly difficult to stand out from the competition. As a Surrey marketing agency, we at Thunderbolt understand these struggles and are constantly coming up with ways to improve our client’s campaigns. If you wish to step up your digital marketing then below are five different ways you can do so.
Optimising Your Website
Having a good website is essential for any business as that is where a lot of your customers will go. However, too many elements on a page could overwhelm or distract your visitors, losing you valuable leads. Therefore, it is beneficial to check what landing page gets the most traffic, usually your homepage. This page should be optimised first based on the goals that you wish to focus on. If you wish for more calls, for example, then having your number easy to see and access on your homepage will help.
Write For Humans
The bots used to scan websites and rank them on search results are constantly growing. Putting in your keywords wherever you can, making it hard for visitors to read, used to work years ago. However, these bots now understand that visitors do not wish for this when they visit a site and read the content. If you write blogs and want them to get traffic to your site, it is important to write them for humans. Placing the keywords in the blogs a few times in a way that flows naturally will work better.
Email Marketing Campaign
You can use email marketing campaigns to bring back your customers and finish that purchase from their previous visit. Using emails in this way can help turn your leads into conversions and, therefore, customers. There also needs to be an easy way to sign up for the campaign to be successful. If the process to sign up for emails is long and difficult, very few people will sign up. To keep them on the email list you can offer special limited deals or discounts.
Not all visitors will enjoy too much reading and for some, being able to hear and see about the topic benefits them. Videos allow you to present information in an interesting way, as well as show the visitors so they can understand for themselves. Be careful when using videos as visitors may share the direct link to their friends and family, losing you leads. To help prevent this there are tools that put a form before the video, like entering your email. Unless the form is filled out the content of the video cannot be viewed. If you wish to find out more, then see here from our Surrey marketing agency.
If you use social media as part of your marketing strategy then you can use Linkedin as part of it. Linkedin was found to be the most effective network for lead generations in a study by HubSpot. Using Linkedin Pulse your connections and followers will receive emails and app notifications when you post. They will be able to like, comment or follow you to receive more posts.
Get In Contact – Surrey Marketing Agency
Looking for some aid with your digital marketing strategy? Then let our in-house team help with your marketing needs and enquiries. All of us at Thunderbolt Digital are happy to help, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
For more information give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at