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Google Search: Why it is Important to be on Page One?

Did you know that less than 10% of people advance to Page 2 when they conduct a Google search? Here at Thunderbolt Digital our clients are on the first page of Google search results so that they can be easily found.
Google has an 88.38% market share of the UK market as of April 2015, which means that they are the most used search engine in the UK. This gives Google an unbelievable influence in the world of digital marketing today. For one particular search, thousands of results can be found and if your website is part of those results then it has the potential to be discovered by a new user.
However, for one particular search hundreds of pages of results may be found. The user physically does not have the time to go through each page of results. 92 people out of every 100 who search on the Google do not go past the first page of results. Therefore, its crucial to be on the first page of the search as this increases the potential of being visible to everybody that may want your product/service leading to the website receiving more clicks. If you are not on the first page of results then you will be fighting for scraps as your competition enjoys easy access to the feast.
Here at Thunderbolt Digital we believe in utilising best practice organic, White Hat SEO (search engine optimisation). This is the use of search optimisation techniques and strategic planning to improve your search performance on search results pages like Google that follows their terms and conditions. Creating a website that is easy to navigate, offers high quality content, is visible on different devices and can be found using relevant keywords are some of the techniques that are used.
If White Hat SEO techniques are not used then it could lead to your website being banned by Google. Google could give you a lifetime ban on your website leading it not be listed when a search is carried out. This consequently leads to a dramatic decrease in traffic of your website.