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How Digital Marketing Has Changed Since Coronavirus

By now, most of you will be aware of the effects Covid-19 has had on our day to day lives. But maybe you didn’t realise how much it has changed digital marketing. Our marketing team, designers and laravel developers have seen first hand the multitude of changes.
Increase in online shopping
The restrictions placed on people led to a huge surge in online shopping, since for many this was their only option. As a result, lots of online businesses suddenly had access to new customers that they were not able to reach previously. This has changed digital marketing campaigns as many businesses were then able to advertise their products or services to a whole new audience; and therefore had to adapt their marketing to suit their needs.
Innovate and adapt
The effects of coronavirus meant that many people had to tighten their purse strings and only buy essential items, and fewer luxuries. This meant that many companies saw a decrease in sales, and the marketing techniques that they had used previously simply weren’t good enough anymore. This led to many businesses having to adapt their digital marketing campaigns. Coronavirus presented the perfect time to try something new because; if you don’t innovate and adapt you will get left behind.
With lots of companies now working from home, the way we communicate and interact with each other has greatly changed. For client meetings, pitch meetings, and team chats, they are all having to take place online. So we’ve all had to adapt and learn to communicate with each other in new ways, and change the ways we host meetings.
Prepare for a recession
Covid-19 has had a detrimental impact on our economy, and we must prepare for the possibility of an upcoming recession. Now is the time to review what you’re doing and make improvements to put yourself in the best possible position. Try to ensure your business will survive a recession if one arises.
The pandemic has created mass amounts of uncertainty, with many businesses not knowing when they will be able to re-open their workplace; if and when the restrictions will end, and if they will still receive demand for their products or services. Although we cannot predict the future of coronavirus, digital marketing can help you put your best foot forward. For example, if your business has had to close for the foreseeable future – keep posting on your social media channels to remind people that you will be coming back. Generate some buzz and excitement around your return.
Contact us – Laravel developers
Thunderbolt Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency based in Surrey; with a team of in-house laravel developers, designers and marketers. We’re only a phone call away from improving your web design or online marketing campaign! Get in touch today by calling 01252 413757 or email – we can’t wait to hear from you.