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How Much Difference Can Keywords Make?

Marketing can be a very broad spectrum. And for someone not used to the marketing lingo it can be hard to know what is important. It is often the case that if you are trying to market your company yourself, it can be tempting to try to cut corners. If you’re running a paid ad on Google you may be thinking: “How much do keywords really matter?”. Trust us as experts in Surrey web design, development and marketing, they really do! Here’s why:
Targeting accuracy
How many keywords do you need? How many is too many? We suggest no more than 25 per ad group, but around 10-20 is ideal. This means that you are targeting one specific small audience per ad group rather than over doing it. Your company could stock every type of sweet ever, and by splitting it down into sections you improve your chance of conversions. For example, you could have an ad group on hard boiled sweets, and one on pick and mix, or one on licorice and another on sour sweets or lollipops. This means that instead of going for the overall umbrella of sweets, your ads are more targeted and accurate to the types you stock.
What do people search for?
It is often the case that we try to make keywords as broad as possible so that anyone searching for variations of the same thing can find your company. However, this isn’t always the best case. Doing this involves broad match keywords. This means that if the keyword is “bikes for sale” someone searching for “second hand kids bikes for sale” will also be shown your ad. This is great in some instances, however, if your company only stocks brand new bikes, or doesn’t do childrens bikes, it means that you are attracting the wrong people.
Relevance and match types
Having keywords that are specific to your business can make a big difference. It may be tempting to add as many keywords as possible. This method is often the wrong way to go. It will make your audience very broad, when the aim is to get the audience small enough that you aren’t targeting any unnecessary people so as not to waste ad spend. One way to do this is to use match types to target properly. Broad match will mean that anyone searching for that phrase, including synonyms and spelling mistakes etc. will find your ad. Having some keywords with either a phrase or an exact match will bring down the impression rate to include more of the people you want to target. It will keep your ad spend on those that are more likely to actually buy.
Negative keywords
It’s not all about keywords in the sense of what people type into google. It’s also about what you don’t want them to search for. If you’re selling gardening clothes, but you don’t stock wellie boots, you should put wellie boots as a negative keyword. This is so that when someone searches for this, your ad doesn’t appear, which ensures your spend isn’t misused on products you don’t stock. Read more about negative keywords from Google themselves – click here.
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Thunderbolt Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency that specialises in Surrey’s web design. We’re only a phone call away from improving your web design or online marketing campaign! Get in touch today by calling 01252 413757 or email – we can’t wait to hear from you.