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The Future Of Social Media Management

The rise of social media over recent years has revolutionised digital marketing strategies. The social media landscape is rapidly changing too and so it is essential to keep up with the latest trends in order to stay on top. But what does the future of social media management hold? This guide will explore a few ways in which social media management is changing in 2022. As a marketing agency in Surrey, we will also provide a few tips in order to help you stay up to date.
Influencer Marketing is Huge in 2022
Influencer marketing allows people with a large social media following to leverage their presence and collaborate with brands. This method has become very popular in recent years. In fact, it has become so popular that it has beaten print marketing in terms of popularity on Google Trends.
How does influencer marketing work? Influencers are paid by brands to promote products to their audiences. However, as influencer marketing increases in popularity, so does the price of influencers. This can be especially troubling for SMEs. That being said, smaller businesses can still benefit from using micro-influencers. Micro-influencers often have fewer followers than larger influencers but still have a large amount of engagement among audiences on social media. Another benefit of these is that they charge significantly less making them a lot more affordable for smaller sized businesses.
AI and Chatbots
One of the latest trends to hit social media in recent years is chatbots. Trends such as this have made it increasingly more simple for people to reach out to brands on social media. However, for this reason it is very important that brands are quick to respond to queries on social media. It can be difficult for humans to respond instantly all the time, so chatbots can be a lifesaver in such situations.
Engagement is Essential
Social media engagement remains a fundamental component of social media management in 2022. However, recent changes to Facebook’s algorithm have made it more important than ever before to interact with your audience in a meaningful way. Thus, in order to improve your organic reach, you must ensure that your social media content engages your audience.
It is no longer enough to simply ask people to like, share and comment on social media posts. Instead, you should adapt your approach to avoid engagement baiting techniques. Genuine content that is relevant to your audience will aid success in the future of social media marketing.
Summary – How Should You Use Social Media Management in 2022?
We live in a very different world compared to just a few short years ago. The pandemic has helped further push people into engaging with social media for business more than ever before. As new channels of communication are created and digital marketing continues to evolve, it is important to carry out your social media management in a meaningful way.
For 2022 and beyond, you should look at making the most of influencer marketing as a way to engage with new audiences. You should also use chatbots and AI to streamline communication with your audience. Engagement still remains a key factor of social media management as a way of building familiarity with your audience and improving your reach.
Get In Contact – Marketing Agency Surrey
Want to improve the way you manage your social media? Our in-house marketing agency Surrey can help with your marketing endeavours. If you are interested in working with us or have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
For more information give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at – we are always happy to help.